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Question: Roy Lichtenstein!.!.!.!?
When and where did Roy Lichtenstein work!?

What style of Art does Roy Lichtenstein use!?

What are the main features of this style!?

What are some paintings Roy Lichtenstein has completed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Litchenstein was a Pop Artist!. As a movement they were concerned with mass production and how society had changed greatly after ww2!. The style is flat colour- not use of blending colours!. Mainly primary colours and black!. His work is very interesting and I think it would help you to look at other Pop Artists at the time, such as Warhol who did the different colour print of Monroe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you'll find all the answers you need at www!.lichtenstein!.org, the official site!. Good luck, if this is for summer exams!. Interesting artist to be working on, and a lot of fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com