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Question: Which lens should I choose!?
Hi need to choose a lens from these 2 options!. also will they work with Nikon D70s!.

What I want is the most zoom!. also an equation would really help as I dont know how to compare optical zoom to all this 200mm or 300mm stuff and how it applies to my camera!.

If its not asking for too much, could you show the calculation with the D70s and the lenses mentioned!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Between the two lenses shown here, your best value is the 28-300 lens!. I say this because your getting the best of both words, a midrange lens and a zoom lens!. Quality between the glass/plastic in both lens is about the same!.

You see, you have to look at the mm value on the lens to decipher the distance!. 70mm would be the range your eye percieves distant objects!. Anything lower would be wide, anything higher would be telephoto!.

You can also think,
300mm/70mm = 4!.28x zoom from how far your eyes can see!.
300mm/28mm = 10!.7x total zoom from the widest to the telephoto!.

The bigger the F-stop number, the less light will come into camera!. Less light, means darker exposures or slower shutter speed!.

Now about the F-stop value!. Sigma 28-300mm (f3!.5-6!.3) means at 28mm, your getting f3!.5 as the widest the apeture can be!. At 300mm, f6!.3 is the widest!. With cheaper lenses, the reduction in light is unavoidable!.

If you want to spend some money, this is one of the best zoom lenses!.

I've heard mixed things about this Sigma lens,
(they have a nikon mount)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never really liked Sigma!. I have 2 Canon A2e!. On one I have the Tamron 28-200 lens, on the other, I have the Tamron 28-300!. The 28-300 didn't come out til after I bought the 28-200!. I am very happy with both of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in sigma lenses unless they are EX they are ordinary at best!.

tamron would be better and better than that a nikon lens!.

to do the comparason to X and mm, try using 35mm**,

so 3x zoom is 3 times 35 = 105mm!.!.!.!.!.!.roughly, get a lens and look at the zoom!.!.!.!.!.!.


dpreview!.com do reviews on all lenses and camera bodies!. they've saved me a lot time and money in the past!. have a look there and compare!.

If you get a nikon fit both will fit your camera d70s

Here is the equation you want, Most digial cameras lens have a conversion rate of x1!.5ish compared to film!. There for a 30mm lens on a digital camera will equal a 50mm lens on a film camera!. and the same 50mm lens on a digital camera will be like having a 75mm lens on a film camera!.

As a rule of thumb on a digital camera 17mm is wide 35mm is what the eye see's 60mm is a portrait lens and what the minds eye sees, 85mm is short-medium telephoto 100-150 is telephoto, beyond this 200-300mm you are magifying the image you get like a telescope!. over 300mm its getting silly you'll need a tripod for almost everything and many cameras autofocus just wont have enough light to work!.

Personally if you have a basic zoom lens with your camera that your happy with then try and get a image stablizing zoom lens from 50-200mm you may think you want more zoom but really you'll end up not using it!. You'll find this a 50-200mm a good lens its weight and size will mean its not to heavy to carry and the quality to price will be reasonable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a few Sigma lenses that are quite good!. The ones you have listed are average at best!.

I'd give the Tamron and Nikon version a look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com