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Question: Your opinions on my photography!?
i'd just like some outside opinions!. i'm trying out for the yearbok staff next year and would like to know which ones are really good and stuff!.


constructive criticism only please!. no "omg you suck!" crap please!.
thank you ahead of time!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your photographs are pretty good!. There are somethings that could drastically improve it!. The source below has an article on photography and some pointers that are very helpful!.
Hope I could help!. I wish you luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

LUV ur photographs!
they are absolutely amazing!
u are truly one talented photographer!
i want to be a photographer too!
maybe u can give some advice!?
my email is
anyways luv ur photographs:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ones of your dog look incredibly unprofessional but so do mine!. Ha ha I just cant keep my dog off of my site

can you look here and comment please!?

Chicago dawn is really nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most of them are realy good but i dont like the dog ones !!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The yellow flowers and the bridge!. The flower shot shows good technique using depth of field!. The bridge shot is killer - and it shouldn't have a title!. One important thing about those kinds of shots are that they evoke memories, emotions, etc!. in the viewer!. But there are shots of train tracks, and there are shots of train tracks!. You managed to capture the "text" in this one!.

I hope you realize that being a photographer for yearbook staff will demand its own type of gift - you show that in the flower picture!. I hope you also work on developing your intuitive side!.

I am not a photographer!. I teach writing - and I think writing and photography are gorgeously intertwined!. Photography is to video as poetry is to prose!. You have potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've got a good eye for photography!. Although for most school yearbooks you will need to practice on sports pictures!.

FYI on the dog pictures the next you might want to get down on their level and zoom in closer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should 'watch' me on Deviantart!


Some are really good, while others are like snap shots!. I left comments on two that I really liked (myleshowling)!. You are off to a good start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

those look really good congrats on your talentWww@QuestionHome@Com

They are very good, some of the ones need to be a little closer up, like the dog one!. I love them a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

i really really like ur flower, city, & train track photos oh & aussi the photo of the no tresspassing sign oh & the girl in all white on stage was good to =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need a little work on making the subject stand out!. I should "feel" somthing when I look at a picture!. keep shooting it will come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of your photos--I am not sure what the main subject(s) were!. They seemed too random, as if you were just shooting without looking through the viewfinder!.

If you are going to be the yearbook photographer, you need to make sure each photo tells a "story"!. Something like these: (And these are actual photos that will be used for a yearbook)


Bidding on an item!.


Hawaii dance


Another one


Selling tea!.


Random students


A Mass


A play

and so on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com