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Question: What else can I paint!?
I love to paint on canvases and I just finished drawing and painting 3 pictures!. I believe that I can draw just about anything and paint it as well!. I would like for you guys to give me ideas on what I should draw and paint next!. I will really appreaciate all of your answers!.!.!.GOD BLESSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From your question it appears that you are in a very special place right now!. You have an art EYE distilling the world around you in its own, distinctive way!. Do not let your artistic enthusiasm be derailed by negativity!. While the array of artistic vision is immeasureable, try doing portraits for now--this is a wonderful way of allowing your OWN mind to swim through the tide of everyday life you tread!. Faces are ALL beautiful and wonderfully unique!. You can start but doing very quick studies of the incredible people you float amongst!. At a coffee shop or bowling alley or rescue mission or park there are faces to be seen that may never pass your way again!. You do not even need to disclose your intentions to your fast sketches, as lomg as you are not intrusive!. Other folks will gladly sit for you!. The imporatant thing is to allow the artists with which you feel in tune to shade your compositions and choices with their mastery, all the while placing your own remarkable take on things!. The best in life to you and yours!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you tried the streets of Montmartre (Paris)!? Give the painting a sophisticated look and voila! You've got another masterpiece done!. Have fun with the project!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of the more famous painters have all said that subject matter is all around you!. And at most you need only walk a mile or so!. Of course for someone like Constable it was easy because he lived in such a beautiful part of England!.
However I am always attracted to simple, but well observed work- like the one I saw recently of a lady hanging clothes
in the backyard!. The morning light was gorgeous and the little kiddy toys near her feet spoke volumes!. Other small details pointed out more!. It captured a moment in time of
an ordinary person's life!. I loved it!.
So my advice!? Look around you!. The things you love!. The trees that encompass your neighbourhood!. Old people, babies and animals that are the around us all the time!.
The ordinary things done well become transcendent in the hands of the artist!.
Good luck and have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 100% serious when I say this: paint Ryan Sheckler in this manner:

Ryan pictures:

If you want to try- please send me a picture of it and I may purchase it!. I know it sounds crazy, but I am!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know this is simplistic but paint what you love!. Paint your dreams and hopes!. Try different styles too!.

Paint the small things in your daily life that hold meaning to you (for instance i am drawn to nature; trees, the moon and the ocean, and I get most pleasure from painting those subjects)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You remind me of myself, I have these bursts of wow, where I just go crazy and finish a couple of paintings a day!.

So!.!.!. when I have a blank canvas and I need some inspiration, or something to reference, I look for some stock art!. Try deviantART, they have plenty of good stock artists!. Surely something there will catch your eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Paint from using your imaginationWww@QuestionHome@Com