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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Critique my photoshoped program design please?

Question: Critique my photoshoped program design please!?
it's for a grad banquet at school and I'd want to know how else I can improve it


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A few things!.!.!.

Everything is red, which means that there is no contrast and everything looks exactly the same!. It would help if you put some white or lighter colored areas in there for contrast!. My suggestion would be to put some whatever you want people to read in white so that it stands out more!.

All of your text is roughly the same size, so once again everything feels the same!. "Legendary," which you're probably trying to emphasize, is basically the same size as "In this day" and "Grad 2008"!. Trying varying the size of your text more!.

I have no idea what that little box at the bottom of the back cover is supposed to be!. That can be a lot clearer!.

Otherwise, keep up the good work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is waaay too much red, tone it down a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The color red is good, but I think that this is too much!.
Try mixing different colors into it, make it more lively!.

Idea: Try putting random bright colors so that it would attract more attention, but try combining those colors that MATCH!.!. like green and yellow and orange -- good combi
purple and orange -- i dont think so!.
Graffiti is also good!.
splashes, dots random background words :)

The brigther your design is, it gets more attention!.

Just sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com