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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do so many people "flip off" the camera when getting their picture

Question:I mean does it make them feel cool or what? personally I see it as disrespectful and a sign of ignorance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean does it make them feel cool or what? personally I see it as disrespectful and a sign of ignorance

I'm gald you asked this question because I was wondering myself. I can only conclude that it makes them feel more mature because they can "curse" or they think it's unique to them. (and the half million other wannabees). I don't think they realize how low class and ignorant it is.

cause they are oh so rebellious

I think it's mostly so that in the future they can look back and feel the sweet scent of embarrassment and regret flow through their veins.

They do it because they think they are being 'unique' and 'rebellious' - little do they realise they fit the factory mould perfectly. They are the same as everybody else.

i think they do it because they are insecure.. and the camera invades their space. so they try to strike back at it somehow.

If you are asking about non celebrities, it's just being juvenile about it - sort of like a toddler who to discovered how to close and open their hands. It's just like back in the 70's when the peace sign was commonly used at anything they can make a peace sign to except now it's the finger since the peace signs.
If you are asking about those celebrities, it makes the picture supposedly unprintable - as it was the case long time ago, but those tabloids just blurs out their fingers.

For the same reason that when a band on stage screams a cuss word, the crowd cheers and goes wild. Childs play.