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Position:Home>Visual Arts> On a scale of 1 to 1292.878887. How awesome is my drawing.?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'd rate it as 1292.878887!!!!!!!

love the hues.. love the blend.. love the style..

plus it's not relevant to compare it to the Mona Lisa or any other existing masterpiece. Your work is your own masterpiece, IMHO.

I love this painting! I would rate it at a 650, 1292.878887 being the Mona Lisa. : )
I would like to see more of your work!

ask him to prom while youre at it

Very Cool . I would say 1290. Reminds me of the northern lights in Alaska where the bears live.

900, Good work. Was this design computer aided? Looks like a Photoshop brush to me.

You good!

Looks amazing. It's so cute! I love it. You're very talented. I would never be able to do something like that.

Average...dunno why everyones givin it high praise...some skill a lil imagination nothin outstanding first poster had it right 650 not bad but not amazing

WOW! It's nice! You have style!