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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need help on drawing feet, shoes, and hands. Any advice?

Question:As the headline states I need help learning how to draw feet, shoes, and hands. Because I'm not the best at drawing these things is why I need help and I can draw the body just not the hands feet and shoes. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As the headline states I need help learning how to draw feet, shoes, and hands. Because I'm not the best at drawing these things is why I need help and I can draw the body just not the hands feet and shoes. Thanks in advance.

I had this trouble too so here's what I did.

I usually work with a 22X34 or almost everything, I love to work with huge massive oversized canvases..etc

So take your vine (the softest of them) and shade your paper all over! Make sure it's a nice deep tone, not're going to use the shading to your advantage. Now, take you kneeded eraser and (if you have a model) look at the hand. Study only the highlghts and how the light interacts with the hand. On your paper, mark the highlighted areas. It's going to look like a bunch of slight eras marks at first, then you take your vine and go back and shade the darker areas.

As a helper, what I did was study contour lines before I actually go in and draw my piece. That way it's easier to know which way to shade to make the object look real

draw what you SEE, not what you KNOW

Not the best at drawing them? Trace, then.

I can't help you on the shoes, as I can't draw those, but as for the feet, start with an oval for the foot, draw lightly so you can go back to erase, then circles for the toes, this is if you are drawing from a side view. Then just take your time and go back and make it look more and more realistic, although if you don't shade it, it isn't going to look very realistic. As far as the hand goes, trace your hand, then go back and copy it and keep practicing.

go to your nearest book store and get a book on drawing people slash hand and feet. also there are dolls that you can buy that are human figure that can really help you. that is what i am going to do to improve my drawing because i have the same problem that you have.

Practice. Constant practice. Carry your sketchbook around and ask your friends and family if you can draw their hands and feet. Draw shoes all the time, too. Draw all different kinds of shoes. Try not to think of these things as hands or feet or shoes, just think of them as a series of shapes to copy.

If you're really having trouble, take some digital photos of peoples' hands and feet and print them in greyscale. Sometimes having a 2D reference helps you visualize the shapes in space so you get a better feel for how it all works together. You can trace them as practice, but don't get too comfortable with that (you can't trace everything). Just use it to get a grasp of the foreshortening and proportion involved with hands and feet.

look and see,, get a model ,,,,,,,,,see the curves shape and shadow ,,,,,,,,get pic take your time study especially the shading ,,,,,,everything takes time ,,,dont give up and enjoy ,,id offer my feet but there ugly u could only make them look good ha ha good luck