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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Julius Caesar Questions:?

Question: Julius Caesar Questions:!?
In my literature class, we have been reading Julius Caesar!. I have been absent for many days and have missed a lot of reading!. Our teacher gave us a page of questions to answer by Monday!. Well, it is now Sunday and I still need to do the assignment!. I have about 8 questions and I do not know the answers to any of them!. I tried Sparknotes!.com but it was really no help!. These questions are farely simple; please try and answer them to the best of your ability!. Thanks!. -lillY


Who are the main characters!?

What is the basic conflict!?

What is the setting!? Include unnatural events!.

Give an example of one quote from this act!.

Act II:

What are the arguments Brutus uses to kill Caesar!?

What are the complications in this scene!?

What does the conspiracy look like!?

Give an example of another quote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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