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Question: Tieing a Noose!?
I'm working on props for a stage production and i have to make a noose for the last scene!.
Note: no one is actually hung- the 'killer' simply uses it to dangle in front of his potential victim and then he places it around her neck as she kneels on the floor- at no time is anyone in danger of actually hanging!.
I do need a realistic noose, though!.
I've seen people give links to realknots!.com but all it does is gice an overview and then a link to someplace else with more detail- the 'some place else' link won't open!.
Wiki How doesn't give a very good description either!.!.!.

I need to know how long of rope/what type to buy and how many loops to make, etc!.

Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you want a long thick rope!. this is a good video:

It is really quite simple:

Take a 4-6' length of 1/2 or 3/4" cotton or sisal rope!. Nylon will work, but can be a bit slippery!.

Take the bottom 2/3 of the rope and loop it back on itself!. Pinch that loop together along with the top 1/3 of the rope!. Take about a half of that remaining rope and loop it back on itself, so the rope has a closed "S" shape, with some rope remaining!. Leaving a loop at the bottom (that is the actual nose), coil the remaining rope up the column created by the first (pinched-together) loop and the top of the rope!. When you run out of coils (13 is the traditional number for a Hangman's Noose), tuck the end into the top loop and pull down to tighten!.

You will end up with a taut column of coils that act as a brace for the slipknot (that's all a noose really is) that is the bottom loop!.

With a little practice, you can whip up a noose in a matter of seconds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a former Props master for so many years, and as a prop, all you really need do is a Loop and a winding!.

To actually create a FUNCTIONAL NOOSE, you need to create an additional Loop, short end being the TOOL of this, Then as the Short end/Tip faces the hanging LOOP, you wrap the 3 layers, in whatever suits to look effective, 6 times!? THEN leaving the LONG rope dangle, you place the sort end after wrapping, through what is a SMALL loop at the top, HOLD that end, and PULL on the length of cord that Tightens that small loop OVER that END, while LOCKING it, but still allowing that the LARGE NOOSE works when the LONG section is secured and weight is applied!.

No I have never HUNG anyone, and if my answer confuses you contact me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com