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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Did Lady Macbeth turn Macbeth to Murder?

Question: Did Lady Macbeth turn Macbeth to Murder!?
Hello, iam doing a debate on Macbeth on the topic of Did Lady Macbeth turn Macbeth to muder!.

Iam on the affirmative side (that she did) and could you please give me some ideas!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I certainly think that without Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would not have started down the path he took, but it's the Adam and Eve story!. Lady Macbeth (Eve), seeing an opportunity, leads Macbeth (Adam) to it, and strongly pushes him to it!. But Macbeth had to make the decision himself, and cannot be absolved of his responsibility any more than Adam could!. Macbeth is led, but he CHOOSES to kill!. He is no less guilty and no less evil just because Lady Macbeth led him to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes she did, She was trying to get him to kill the king so he could be the next King!.

I can remember roughly!.

Macbeth turned into a murderer, killing a few people throughout the play and Lady Macbeth killed herself with guilt of turning him into a murderer!.

Meh, i think thats it hope thats helped anyway!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com