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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How much an acting class cost in usa?

Question: How much an acting class cost in usa!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it really depends on a few factors!.
How long is the course!? How many hours a week is it!? Who is the class being offered by (which school), whos teaching the class!?!.!.!. etc!.!.!.

I've taken about 6 classes so far, they averaged at about 20 weeks each for 5 hours a week, my total cost for each course was about $2000 - $3000!.

Like I said it really depends!. Some classes can get quite pricey!. Check out acting workshops at your local community center or theatre, they usually run for 2 hours and are cheap!.

Hope this helps! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com