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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Fiddler On The Roof music box...well, not really a box...?

Question: Fiddler On The Roof music box!.!.!.well, not really a box!.!.!.!?
So today I went to a bargain store (like Goodwill, only not), and I found this statue of a guy playing a fiddle on the top of a roof!. I, being a big fan of Broadway musicals, instantly recognized it as being The Fiddler On The Roof!. It sits on a circular stand, and when you spin it around, it plays music and slowly turns!. I was just wondering if this is worth money or not!. I have NO idea, that's just what crossed my mind when I found it!. I believe Fiddler On The Roof is pretty old!. Your input would be most appreciated! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is probably not worth anything!. Though the show is "old" it does not mean that this music box is worth something!. You could possibly look it up on Ebay or see what company made it!. The Phantom of the Opera has been playing on Broadway for 20 years and San Fransisco Music Box company still makes new boxes for this show (along with Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz etc)!. Music Boxes can be inexpensive souveniers, so I seriously doubt it is worth anything, even if it is old!.

What song does it play!?Www@QuestionHome@Com