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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to be a Director when i get older! just dont know how...?

Question:i want to be a BIG time director but i want to know the steps to do that, so help me out here!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to be a BIG time director but i want to know the steps to do that, so help me out here!

Well, it helps if you know a little about acting, but it's not required. As soon as you get to a point in schooling where directing is a possibility, try it. With my classes, sometimes a Drama II student directed a couple of Drama I students in scenework. If they made it as far as Drama IV or Drama V, then it was all directing and play production. When you get to college, there are courses specifically in directing and you can even get an MFA in Directing (or Acting or Playwriting). After that, it's just like anything else -- get to where you can start makiing rounds and putting your name out there or sending out student-directed work to see if anyone making amovie has the money but needs a director and a cast

i thinky uo should know about how to be rude to people if they are not doing their job and you should also know how to make a movie or show and what kind of movie or show do you want it to be. I hope I helped and i also hope you become that big time director! :]

Start by doing some acting; community theaters are frequently holding auditions. This will help you learn how it is done. After you have some acting experience, you can audition for directing slots.