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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anyone know of some good warm-up games to do before performing on stage?

Question:I work mainly with theater and I'm looking for some new warm-up games to try with large groups. I am not looking for stretches or exercise warm-ups.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I work mainly with theater and I'm looking for some new warm-up games to try with large groups. I am not looking for stretches or exercise warm-ups.

This site is GREAT for warm-ups! I love getting new ideas from here

well i quite like the game 'zombie' it makes people alert and gets people moving.

sit everyone in a separate place in the room on a chair, but have one spare chair.
Pick a person to be a zombie...the zombie has to try to reach the spare chair and sit down in it.
but all the other people have to stop the zombie sitting down by moving to the spare chair whenever the 'zombie' gets near the chair.
the zombie can only walk slowly..they cannot run etc..
but people who are trying not to let the zombie sit can run / sprint whatever they choose.

Hope you kind of understand the game lol.
It always gets my drama class a lot more alert to whats going on around them and gets people warmed up and moving.

I always liked the Channel Surfer game, where everyone stands in a circle and is assigned a TV channel and there's a channel surfer in the middle. The channel surfer points to any person, and that person has to do voiceovers for that channel for as long as they're being pointed at. So, if they're CNN, they'd be making up a news story - or if it's The Movie Channel, they'd be doing a movie etc. The channel surfer can point to anyone for any amount of time, and whoever 'messes up' becomes the channel surfer, and the surfer takes over that channel.

It's a way to practice concentrating on your own task while a lot of other things are going on... if you start laughing at what someone else is doing, you had better be prepared to be the next 'channel'

Hope that helps!

We always do warm-ups for diction, like "I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit"

And, we often play a "game" called Pass the Sound.
The group gets in a big circle and somebody has a small rubber ball. They throw it to a random person, and while throwing, they make a sound, like "boing!" When the other person catches the ball, they say "boing!" also, and then throw it to another person using a new sound, like "zap!"
And it keeps going like that. We play it to work on projection and improv. (It gets hard to keep thinking of sounds after a while).
You can also play this game using lines from the script.