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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> For my 14th BDay, I am seeing Wicked on Monday, at The Victoria Apollo. Is there

Question:I need to know where the stage door is, whether it is done outside the theatre or at stage door, and how long I should expect to wait.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to know where the stage door is, whether it is done outside the theatre or at stage door, and how long I should expect to wait.

You can go to the stage door but expect to wait about half an hour for the cast to come out. When you leave the main entrance the stage door is to your left. We have seen Wicked three times and always been to the stage door. It was very organised with everyone waiting in a line by barriers and then the cast moving along the line so everyone gets seen.

We saw the old cast but they were all up for signing autographs and having photos taken. Kerry Ellis was very friendly and Martin Ball was just fab - he spent ages talking to my daughters and seemed genuinely interested in them.

Have a lovely time - the show is brilliant.

you have to pay extra for this

normally you can get to meet them through a vip or back stage pass.. contact the threatre directly for details

Ideally, you should have contacted the theatre management a few days before the performance - a telephone call from your parents would probably have been enough. However, if you are going on April 14th (very apt) I suggest that either your Mom or Dad phones as early as possible on Monday morning and asks to speak to either the theatre manager or the publicity manager. They may be able to arrange something - especially if you can give them an angle that they can exploit for publicity purposes. The meeting may not be at the time of the performance itself - they may prefer that you visit the theatre during the morning, either on Monday or later in the week . A morning meeting gives press photographers and reporters a chance to get the story into the early editions of the local newspaper. It might be better from their point of view if you've seen the play and have something really good to say about it. If a meeting is arranged for you to meet someone from the cast, the theatre manager will tell your parents all that they need to know about where to go etc. If you don't get the chance to meet someone at a pre-arranged meeting, you can visit the stage door - some one will be on duty to control access - and wait for the cast to come out. It's worth remembering also that it is frequently possible to meet the cast informally in the theatre itself, for instance in one of the bars, if the Victoria does this sort of thing. Again, the theatre manager will be able to tell your parents what can be done to enable you to meet someone. Go for it and have fun.

wow, you are so lucky! have a really awesome day! as for advice, the person who met the old cast sounds very accurate so not even going to bother trying to beat their answer!