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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> The rights to hairspray??

Question:if my school wanted to do hairspray how would we and get the rights and how long would that take

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if my school wanted to do hairspray how would we and get the rights and how long would that take

Get your teacher to download the study guide to Hairspray from this URL
It will be enough to get you started on studying the musical and acting some of it in the classroom.
There may be a problem with staging the musical as a production for members of the public who will be paying an admission charge to see it as the owner/s of the performance rights can sometimes object to public performances of plays/musicals etc when they are still a raging hot success in the West End. They don't want people to be diverted by a local production from buying tickets for the show that they are producing.
Contact the theatre manager where the show is being performed for specific information on whether performance rights are available for public performance in schools

MTI (music Theatre International; will be holding the rights when they are available. As far as I know, the rights are not available yet, but will be soon. You can sign up to be notified when they are. You have to go through a process of applying for the rights, paying for the rights (ugh), and most importantly, adhering to the rights.