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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm in this preforming arts prgram and i get nercous when i preform even tho

Question:im poreforming a play this friday (tomorow) and saturday and im really nervouse even though today i did two preveiws and i know what im doin and wat im suppose to do the problem is i get nervouse how can i stop???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im poreforming a play this friday (tomorow) and saturday and im really nervouse even though today i did two preveiws and i know what im doin and wat im suppose to do the problem is i get nervouse how can i stop???

You really don't want to stop being nervous, you just want to channel it. Don't think about it like something bad but think of it as excitement, a chance to show off and show what you're capable of. Don't think of the audience, if you do you're not focusing on your character, take a deep breath, think of your objective and play the character. Break a leg.

Ignore everybody in the audience. Pretend that they're not there. Even if you make a mistake keep going. You will regain composure. You won't though. You are prepared.

this is going to sound really weird but what always works for me when about to perform is a mint called..Quick Eez...releay helps the nervs...

Just keep in mind that its the character the audience is watching, not you. That always works for me

repeat this mantra over and over and over again: "Acting is playing and playing is fun, whenever I'm acting, I'm having fun." IF you are doing the acting because you enjoy it, then enjoy it. If you get to where you can share your enjoyment with the audience, you will be a step closer to being a star.