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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm in the school play, but we need to do american accents.?

Question:I'm in the school play, but we need to do american accents. I used to live in America like 4 years ago for about 8 months, but I can't do an american accent. Any help, like movies that could help me, or a way to talk american! Help please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in the school play, but we need to do american accents. I used to live in America like 4 years ago for about 8 months, but I can't do an american accent. Any help, like movies that could help me, or a way to talk american! Help please!

America is a big country - and there is a lot of variation....

For new jersey, I would watch episodes of "the sopranos".

americans dont have accents dumb ****** asshole