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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> If I wanted to be an actress and start in theatre but......?

Question:But I DON'T have a big large voice!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: But I DON'T have a big large voice!

Acting classes should help give you the techniques you need to make your voice carry across a theatre auditorium. In the UK, mics are not always used. It is mostly productions with music in that require microphones to balance the sound. Straight plays tend to use purely the actors voices.

i think they have microphones any way but if your worried try getting a voice coach

they have mics but you need a fair bit of power for the sound to be picked up.
have you got a drama/singing/performing arts teacher you can go to and ask? they could probably help more than we can...

if not, don't strain your throat trying to be loud - always use your diaphram muscles!

as for TV acting, you don't have to be loud for that as mics (booms) pick up everything that happens and what is said on a film set.

hope you're more confident!
