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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I get Discovered in Acting?

Question:I am a teenager and it has been my dream since birth to be an actress and a signer. I know that I can act and I am involved in all the local plays and school productions, but we live in a small town so no talent scouts come here!! My life would be completley fufilled if I could somehow get into acting. I know people think it won't happen, but I am never going to give up!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a teenager and it has been my dream since birth to be an actress and a signer. I know that I can act and I am involved in all the local plays and school productions, but we live in a small town so no talent scouts come here!! My life would be completley fufilled if I could somehow get into acting. I know people think it won't happen, but I am never going to give up!

Being 'Discovered' doesn't really exist unless you have connections. My opinion is, if you are really serious about acting as a profession, as soon as you are old enough, move to a city with a large theatre community (Seattle and Chicago are the best and the largest aka:they have the most theatres FYI). And if you want to go to school, which I highly suggest, (you may not want to, but remember, an actors work is NEVER done) then those are also great places to go, Seattle has Cornish( and Chicago has Columbia( (which I am attending in the spring semester) If you are tighter on money than I suggest going to columbia, because it has cheaper tuition(about 17,000), for just as good or even better education, and decently priced housing(starting at about 9,000), and you get a free U-pass (bus, train) for all four years you attend school there, and your professors are actually professionals, like the casters, directors, of the theatres in that city, so you get connections that way(gasp!) Whereas Cornish is 28,000 a year, with no housing, so you have to find your own place in Seattle, which is not cheap (believe me. i live there.) So I hope this answer helped.

At least you have some experiences which is always good. If you live in a small town you're going to perhaps have to commit to maybe having to go somewhere out of your town. You can try online auditions as some agencies do it or application. Keep being involved in school productions and school plays.

take acting classes in school.. "be discovered" is not real.. it doesn't happen. YOU make yourself "discovered" by working VERY hard to do these things and doing A LOT for each. Or you could just do American Idol and have instant fame.. If that's wut u really are looking for.. but thats sick.


Check with your schools guidance counselor she may be able to get you connected with summer stock or something even better... try to see if you can put together a portfolio so you have something to show people who may be interested in your talent. Good luck. You might also go on to something like my space and look for people who have already made it in the big leagues like Jenna Elfman... asked them how they did it. Once you're over 18 perhaps you can move to a larger city like Seattle, Los Angeles or New York or even Montréal Canada. Those are cities were a lot of filmmaking is done. Good luck. I will pray for you.