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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What should my play be about?

Question:please tell me some ideas about what a quick play of for my english class. I have 3 people that can be in it at once so nothing too big. thx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: please tell me some ideas about what a quick play of for my english class. I have 3 people that can be in it at once so nothing too big. thx

all things

Sigh. Look at my answer two questions down to the person asking for playwriting advice.

How about thinking off the wall? Make it a satire. Make it upsurd? How about the PM in a conversation with the Queen that goes either well or badly and then the third is a footman that turns the tables and a compromise must be made.

If you're clever you can think of things to say such as Maggie woudl turn over in her grave, "if she were dead." Etc.

Or subtle jokes that are innocent but funny. "Can your Magistracy attend this event, I understand that the royal jewel cleaner isn't due to finish until a day after this event.

You could do things like this that would be in good taste, not offensive to anyone but still funny.

It's comedy that takes the most thought on construction.