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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Hey you know the bradway musical RENT??

Question:well my parents wont let me go unless i have the money upfront to pay but i wont till may 18. Do you think there will still be good seats avaible for a show after that date??or even any left?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well my parents wont let me go unless i have the money upfront to pay but i wont till may 18. Do you think there will still be good seats avaible for a show after that date??or even any left?

Well, the show isn't closing until September, so I think you'll be safe. Tickets sales have been slow for a while now, but in the summer, they may rise. But don't worry, Rent is never sold out.

Rent as a lottery, which means 2 hours before the show, you can put your name in a bucket and 90 minutes before the show, they choose names out of the bucket. These lotto winners get the opportunity to pay $20 to sit in the front row. It's a steal. My friend and I did it the first time we saw it, won, and my friend was totally swaying side to side, singing along to Seasons of Love and the cast members were so looking at her.

Rent is also often on TKTS and discount websites as

okay lets learn to spell broadway, and yeah they might have tickets but idk what the date of the show is.


Yes, there will be good seats after May 18. It doesn't close until September, so there's still time.

Yes I know nad love the musical RENT. It is very close to my heart. I hope you get to see it, this may sound corny but it will be a life changing experience. Yes there will be seats left.

Have fun. Tell me about it! I cant go to B'way as I live in Australia, so... Email me at

and tell me how good it is please.