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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Macbeth (Act1 Scene2) What does 'gins mean? 'As whence the sun 'gins

Question:I think it may be a contraction of begins. It means the sunrise.
He is saying "Even as the sun is rising, terrible storms are coming. There is bad (Norway attacked us) with the good (Macdonwald defeated).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it may be a contraction of begins. It means the sunrise.
He is saying "Even as the sun is rising, terrible storms are coming. There is bad (Norway attacked us) with the good (Macdonwald defeated).


it's begins. shakespeare often shortens words to ensure that they fit the iambic pentameter of his texts.

Begins sorry too late to claim the ten ponter but I was answering another and missed it !!
