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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> MACBETH::EXPLAIN(Act1 Scene2 Lines14-15) And Fortune on his damnéd quarry smilin

Question:The line means:
Lady Luck was with him, smiling cruelly at his enemies as if she were his whore.

Here's a link to Sparknotes:

Where they have a books called "No Fear Shakespheare" where it takes Shakespheare words and turn them into modern english. Great site and I even went out bought two or books (Macbeth and Hamlet) and it has really helped me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The line means:
Lady Luck was with him, smiling cruelly at his enemies as if she were his whore.

Here's a link to Sparknotes:

Where they have a books called "No Fear Shakespheare" where it takes Shakespheare words and turn them into modern english. Great site and I even went out bought two or books (Macbeth and Hamlet) and it has really helped me.