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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you act like a nerdy female teacher?????

Question:Its for a film i am doing!!!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its for a film i am doing!!!!


Nerds aren't necessarily wallflowers, just socially inept. A nerd can be confident and smart and within her field of expertise, while at the same time oblivious to the fact that no one else is the least bit interested in that subject, and oblivious to social cues (eyes averted, throat clearing) that signal that she's gone too far, shared too much, has spoken for too long or too loudly. Think of women in crime dramas who work in labs doing forensics. Some are bubbly and outgoing, but totally focused on their work. And they miss social cues such as someone sending romantic signals. Perhaps a mantra (an inner phrase, repeated over and over) such as "what's the density of aluminum" or some other technical question will work to create a distracted air.

The best way is to observe nerdy looking people. Watch how teachers act and concentrate on the things they do taking particular notice of things you like. Practice copying them.

i automatically think of the woman in the Faculty, she is a quiet nerdy teacher before the whole alien thing. Although I think she was more un-confident than nerdy. I think excitement in the subject and clumsiness is always endearing in a nerdy teacher.
oh and bad jokes are a plus:)

be fidgety nervous awkward try wearing glasses and keep pushing them up.

Your costume is important. I'm imagining a wool skirt, your white blouse untucked a little, a sweater, very sensible shoes, maybe a loose bun in your hair. You might use a yardstick or pointer for affect. Keep calling out, "Quiet, please."

Keep watching parts in movies that include characters that match a nerdy female teacher, but don't be too stereotypical.


just be yourself.