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Question:i'm the lead in a musical that features a bunch of highschoolers, but includes middle schoolers. How do i get them to shut up while the Director is talking and quit interfering with the rehearsal process?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm the lead in a musical that features a bunch of highschoolers, but includes middle schoolers. How do i get them to shut up while the Director is talking and quit interfering with the rehearsal process?

I have found that the theatre's Firehose, used judiciously, has been an effective tool.

But seriously, folks, if your Director has been unable to corral the unruly, you need to step up to the plate. If you are indeed the Lead, then lead. It is what a Leader does.

Do not make threats you cannot follow up on. Do not go "diva" and kill the show. Do nothing until you have talked it over with your Director. You are not in charge. Your Director is. Talk about your concerns with your Director. Odds are, your Director already knows.

You landed the Lead for a reason. Go out there and lead by example.

Tell them to STFU or get out. Make it clear that your there for a job, 'we' all want to get this right and to exercise some professionalism.

I would ask them if they really want to be in the play . Or, if they just want to play. They might think about that but if it doesn't, try asking the director to do something about it. If he won't( I know some directors who would not be caught dead doing so), tell him that if he doesn't do something that you will. Ask them each if they think that this is fun and if they want to continue the fun, they must be quiet so that the audience will get as much fun out of it as you people do. I hope that it works but if it doesn't, then go to the money people and have them straighten the kids out.

You don't... that's the Director's responsibility. You should speak to the director if it bothers you.

Be firm and loud when adressing them. You need to have plenty of confidence, and look them straight in the eye. Get angry if you need to, or at least act like you're angry. Rant at them. That usually gets their attention.
And if all else fails, threaten to recast.

That is the director's job. He should have an ad to keep them in line. He should have oriented them as to how to behave at rehearsal and then kicked offenders out of the show. He must be a wimp or inexperienced. You might try threatening them with bodily harm. (Just kidding, unfortunately it is not your job) If it really bugs you, go to the director and threaten to quit the show if something is not done about the situation. Follow though if you make a threat.

There need to be stakes involved. If the Director is not taking charge, or there are no consequences, no wonder they don't pay any attention.