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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why did they put High School Musical 4?

Question:There's only been two. Gosh, whoever wrote that article on is a complete dolt!!!

Love y'all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There's only been two. Gosh, whoever wrote that article on is a complete dolt!!!

Love y'all.

They Are Starting to WRITE the 4th one. The Start FILMING the 3rd one in a couple of weeks they are rehearsing right now.

That was just to clear things up. lol
But i dont think that They should be writing a 4th because the 3rd is about graduation. What are they supposed to do after graduation? I cant wait to see what they come up with! lol

And its ok that you had a blonde moment!! lol me too! I was thinking they were supposed to write 3!!!! But then I read it three times and got it. They should have cleared that up a good writer shouldnt make things hard to understand,

Because they are filming the 4th one in 2 weeks....


People need to stop giving money to the HSM franchise, then maybe it would stop.

EDIT: I personally think the FIRST was horrible. But all the brainwashed children think every Disney Channel is amazing, so of course it made a lot of money.

well i know, from my experiences with acting on film, that they don't necesarilly go in order of the films, like 1, 2,3,4. if there is a location they need for filming, or want the movie to be based in a specific season then they will have to work around the order of the films to make those things available.

Really? I didn't hear about a fourth movie. I remember seeing an interview where Zac Efron said that he was filming the third movie and then he was done. So they'll probably get Drew Seeley to do it.
I'm not really as big a fan of hsm as I used to be. They should make as many movies as they can, they're making millions and millions of dollars everyday from that stupid franchise.
IMHO, the music is really good and the actors are really talented, but the storylines are really lame.;...

Because the article states that, before they even put the third movie out, they were in the process right now of writing the fourth movie.

Because they are finished with the 3rd one, and decided to film the 4th one already.