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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do actors travel quite often to promote a movie like artists?

Question:i know artists can
peform 18 shows a month!!
actors do a movie shooting
in 3 months sometimes
and then do they go on tour to promote? as much as musicians
i heard muscians is hard
cuz they travel a LOT
do they even get days off when there not havinga show

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i know artists can
peform 18 shows a month!!
actors do a movie shooting
in 3 months sometimes
and then do they go on tour to promote? as much as musicians
i heard muscians is hard
cuz they travel a LOT
do they even get days off when there not havinga show

John Cusack said in an interview that he has done dozens of interviews in a single day. I remember Keanu Reeves and the cast of the Matrix traveled all over the place to promote Reloaded and Revolutions. Actors always have to travel to Los Angeles for Leno and to New York for Letterman. I would say the number of trips involved for shooting a movie on location equates if not surpasses the number of trips the actor has to make to promote the movie after it is finished filming. You're kind of making it sound like the traveling is a downside to the business. I'm sure you would indulge in it if you had the chance. First class airplane tickets for all over the world and $5000 a night hotel rooms, no complaints.

Of course they do, as movies are played all over the world, they do a lot of promotion for it