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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some really cool but easy songs to learn on the guitar in just a few da

Question:I play accoustic guitar, though I'm not amazing at it. I don't really play tabs. Mostly strumming. I can do some tabs. I have to play for a bunch of friends in a few days. What are some really easy songs to learn in a short amount of time and sound really cool.?????? please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I play accoustic guitar, though I'm not amazing at it. I don't really play tabs. Mostly strumming. I can do some tabs. I have to play for a bunch of friends in a few days. What are some really easy songs to learn in a short amount of time and sound really cool.?????? please help

ohhhhhhhhh i know what you mean me too! haha im teaching myself.
well there's accidentaly in love by counting crows. it's cool to rock out too once you get the transitions on lol.
go to ultimate
and go to the chords version of it.

Knocking on heavens door;
The chords
G then D then C, go back to G with an open string strumming upwards,
repeat with alternating A minor intstead of C,
G D C ....G D A- ....G D C ....
This was my first ever song I played when learning, (still am)

Good luck its really easy

I'm in pretty much that exact same positon, and I like "Hurricane" by Jonah Werner. The base is only three power chords that repeat throughout the whole song with some optional improvising in E major or minor, can't remember which, though. Look it up. It's a very very good song, sad and uplifting at the same time.

Those magic changes
AAAA minor
grease =)
50s songs are the best


The magic progression. In Open G : G-B-D-B-G. In C: C-E-G-E-C.

"Wild Thing" and "Louie Louie" are only the most famous songs to use this. There are tons and tons more.