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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What job do you choose what actors on set wear?

Question:What's this job called? Costume designer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What's this job called? Costume designer?

Costume designer or Costumer, can sometimes be called Fashion Designer. If you are interested in this career, I would suggest you to do some research about it. You can check out the OCO Handbook for more info on the education and training requirements, career advancements and salary for this job. The link is below.



at my theatre, the old ladies do it, lol
: D
but yes they are called costume designer

Well, yes and no to costumer.... They MAKE the costumes, but they will sit down with the director first and get an idea of what the director wants for each character. Then, the costumer makes the costumes, and shows them to the director. The director can say "No, I don't like it" and then the costumer has to fix it, or even totally redo it. So, the costumer is in charge of designing and making the costumes, but in the end, the director has the basic idea of what they want, and also the final say on what costumes the actors will wear.

Yes, they are called costume designers. =]