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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> A few questions about ACTING AGENTS (Giving out 5 stars)?

Question:I am thinking about getting an agent, because I am interested in acting.
I have a few questions, so if anyone could please take the time to read&answer them all well then I'd be thankful. :) 5 stars to anyone that does so...
Okay question #1: What exactly are acting agents for? I know some things they do, but not all.
#2: How often do you have to visit your agent? Once a month, every few days, what?
#3: Once you get an agent, what do you when you go in and see them?
#4: What do they help you do? Do they make up your resume and stuff for you, can they take your resume PICTURE?
Basically I'm just trying to get some info on an agent...I live 4 hours away from a BIG agency so....
Thanks so much!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am thinking about getting an agent, because I am interested in acting.
I have a few questions, so if anyone could please take the time to read&answer them all well then I'd be thankful. :) 5 stars to anyone that does so...
Okay question #1: What exactly are acting agents for? I know some things they do, but not all.
#2: How often do you have to visit your agent? Once a month, every few days, what?
#3: Once you get an agent, what do you when you go in and see them?
#4: What do they help you do? Do they make up your resume and stuff for you, can they take your resume PICTURE?
Basically I'm just trying to get some info on an agent...I live 4 hours away from a BIG agency so....
Thanks so much!!!!

#1 They Find You your auditions,
#2 It depends on how often they find you auditions if you are working a lot around once a week
#3 You may want to talk to them about your head shot, Resume, How they are not finding enough auditions for you etc.
#4 They Help You find Auditions, They do not take your head shot but they may recommend you a photographer, And you write your own resume.

Hope This Helps Good Luck =)

One thing they don't do is offer contracts to amateurs. To an actor a contract with a good agency is the holy grail. There are literally thousands of people trying to get signed. People with years of training and experience and a great deal of knowledge about the business. If they have a lot of trouble getting signed, what makes you think you even have a chance of getting your foot in the door? You're dreaming. Forget it.

P.S. If you live four hours away from a big agent where are you in relation to the auditions? Can you commute four hours on a regular basis? That gives an agent still another reason not to sign you.

Addendum: And people like you who refuse to acknowledge reality seldom accomplish anything worthwhile much less achieve great success. Be realistic and set realistic attainable goals and you can succeed. Dream about nonsense and base your life around what you wish were true and you'll be perpetually miserable.