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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting... Projecting Problems?

Question:I have a hard time projecting my sound...! Can anyone help me...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a hard time projecting my sound...! Can anyone help me...?

Rather than focusing on being "louder," focus on sending your voice to a particular section of the theatre (i.e. the back!).

Use your breath and musculature to support the sound. Don't stress your throat. Stand on the stage and say "hey!" to get someone's attention at the back of the room; note how you use your muscles and breath to produce that sound.

Learn to control your breathing. If you can breath in and speak at the same time it will help, as you will not become breathless


Some times it is hard to project sound while acting. Heres some tips...

1. Practice your lines in a LOUD VOICE. Sometimes by getting used to that sound, it just naturally comes out. Don't scream, because thats not talking in a loud voice, thats just screaming. Just gradually start talking in a loud voice, one day MY PRINCE WILL COME. Just start low then get louder. Also you will know when your speaking in aloud voice, because, If I know parents, they will say speak in a inside voice. Also even if you don't realize it. You speak in a loud voice all the time, sometimes whie your with friends, when your outside, all the time.

2.Gargle some warm water, and drink tea. Yes I know that sounds weird, but it will keep your voice nice and healthy so that as you start practicing you will have a nice larger sound, because there will be nothing in it's way.

3. Cup your hand over your mouth and make it a microphone, or get some paper and make it into a microphone. Practice with that. Listen to how your voice sounds with that type of projecting. And you'll get used to it.