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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is it fate or choices that cause the deaths of the Romeo and Juliet?

Question:Are all the tragic events attributed to the fate of the "star crossed lovers"? Or do they happen depending on what choices they make?
What do you think..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are all the tragic events attributed to the fate of the "star crossed lovers"? Or do they happen depending on what choices they make?
What do you think..

It was William Shakespeare who caused their deaths, and I don't think he was alluding to either 'fate' or 'choices' when he wrote the play.

I think he was writing about the fickleness of human nature. It could have been a simple love story with a happy ending, if it weren't for two families at loggerheads for no real reason, if it weren't for Mercutio and his 'big mouth', for Tybalt and his 'arrogance', for Romeo and his 'mans got to do what a mans got to do' syndrome, etc, etc, which turned it all into a Tragedy. Clever William Shakespeare.

Like any great piece of art, there aren't necessarily any clear cut answers. You could argue that their choices determined their fate, or their fate determined their choices. Depends on how you want to look at it.

They go hand in hand. The choices you make decides your fate. We all decide our own fate and don't realize it.