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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I was called on a flux to be in a Juliet Roberts movie they needed an actress th

Question:Italian I was not prepared i did take Italian in college for two years..I told the casting agent the truth I was Italian American :))) which I think was smart and she will keep me posted for other roles???What would you have done????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Italian I was not prepared i did take Italian in college for two years..I told the casting agent the truth I was Italian American :))) which I think was smart and she will keep me posted for other roles???What would you have done????

If your Avatar is a real photo of yourself, you really have the physical qualities for like: photo shoots, many other things. Modeling, choreography, dancing; which I've done too. Although I left that world...
You also have great qualities: you compromise, even gave yourself time to: make efforts study for 2 yrs a language; which you could have learn maybe only the sounds, pronunciation, for you've got your lines written for you to read, you're truthful, which I think I was aware of...
All together, I sincerely think you did right all along.

Besides, regarding your Avatar, I forgot to say something important:: you could put a copy of it in a file, so you won't loose it again, Good luck on this one.


Well same as you.. dont lie..Good for you..I would of done the same thing.

They will call you again. But who turns down a role? Hey, it's Hollywood, everyone's a faker, that's why they call it acting.

Besides, you don't have to know Italian, they write your lines for you. Next time, take the job.

Oh, and I almost forgot to say continue to be beautiful, that's what counts.

We can accomplish anything if we have the will. MAKE it happen, not by waiting for a call (reacting), but by just going out there and doing it (acting).

(2 Samurai pun points for me)

Hey Rita I would have also done the same, no reason to accept a role that your not prepared for right! besides for me it would have been embarassing to accept it and not be able to do it. Good for you, I hope something great comes your way.

I would have done the same, tell them the truth!
If I had lied, the truth would have come out any way!

Chances are you would have to read the script in Italian so not being fluent would not have been a problem .

That's WHO You look like...!!!!
I swear to you, I always look at your picture (avatar) and wonder...who does she favor to me?!!
Julia Roberts.
(As you can tell, that has been a real "head scratcher"...LOL)

Oh sorry, back to your question...I believe you did the right told the truth and let them decide from there.

Brightest Blessings, No'll make it!!

Edit: Im serious, that REALLY look like her!! (ok, Im done...starting to feel a lil weird...LOL)

Superb! Carry on, trooper...

I would have done the same as you. I hope it will lead to something that is interesting for you and you will meet good people.

That's Amore!

Interesting...the implications reach further than a simplistic reply could do justice to. I have been in situations many times over when someone either requires an answer,needs some information, has some it what it may.The person in the position IS filling a position (only), and they are not anything other than a warm body with a job title, office (whatever) They have been told something and are responsible for fufilling that, BUT THE JOB IS BEING FUFILLED ONLY AS FAR AS THE CAPACITY OF THE PERSON HOLDING THE POSITION IS ABLE TO COMPREHEND THE INSTRUCTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I can relate this to is the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.... In one there is an outward understanding and there is obedience....BUT there is no real comprehension there, no life, so spunk nor spirit.....they merely fill a position or meet the minimum requirements ... The other is with the position being filled with someone who understands the instructions they were given...the meaning and ramifications of the instructions and has the ability to improvise, substitute, change or modify them because they think and know and understand... yup, the spirit of the whole thing. One is the death you, and one is the joy of life to you. Truth is truth is truth is not the way it is. people DO NOT EITHER SAY OR KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN...They think they do, but most are repeating something they were told, or read or....? I am not meaning to speak in generalities { but I guess I am} only I do so to drive home a point. The letter may have said " ITALIAN !" BUT THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY A GREEK WOULD DO! and the casting agent was Italian minded... Only their hairdresses knows for sure! Anyway you need to assess the situation, evaluate what you know about people and figure out if they actually know what they are asking for. You might take the time to explain your thoughts to them, or you may ask them questions to ascertain the bigger picture that perhaps they are unaware of. might on a flash of inspiration GO OVER THEIR HEAD and find the person that gave them the orders and present your case. Again it is only you; the senses, intuition & principles you live by, that can determine the right answer. A word of advice though..always go for the gusto! the living, the out of the ordinary, the unexpected...the "out there"... at your own discretion ....dang ran! (of course!) You know what I mean... Watch out for ignorance being mis-represented as honesty with you in the middle...

Dressed like Sofia, brushed up enough on my Italian, speak
English with a good Italian accent and fooled the pants off
anyone who interviewed me. Then, not only will you be
notified for other roles, but Italian ones too, doubling your
exposure. Caio bella.

same the mean time try to learn italian.

I am glad that they contacted you for a role, on a Julia Roberts Movie, I think I would have done the same thing.

I would have taken a chance.