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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why do they show people puking in movies now?

Question:PLease don't say "realism" if that were the case the actors would actually be having sex and there would be artsy camera angles and crappy music.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: PLease don't say "realism" if that were the case the actors would actually be having sex and there would be artsy camera angles and crappy music.

For the shock value. The movie industry has been doing this for years, and has progressively gotten worse. Movies are getting worse and worse, and so those who make them feel they can put more and more junk into them. Have you noticed how PG movies today are just as bad as the PG-13 movies of not that long ago? Have you noticed how in almost every PG-13 movie nowadays, the F word is spouted off at least once, whereas, a few years ago, that was really rare? They used to not put puking into films, but now they feel justified and do it all the time. No, I don't have a queasy stomach, but personally, somebody depositing the contents of their stomach is not what I want to see on a Friday night. But that's just what the movie folks do. It's all that blazing shock value, and the kickback they get isn't stopping them. That is "what people want". Movies are progressively getting more violent, naughty, and just generally appalling. And people keep buying them. Nobody is putting a stop to it. The Hacker/slasher films are filled with blood and gore. The romance are filled with...questionable scenes. And in all honesty there isn't any need for it. The story would move on just fine without it. Watch out, because we aren't too far from having the actors actually have sex on camera. It's getting pretty close as it is.
We, the humans of the "modern" world, are no better than the Romans with the gladiators. "Let's go down to the coliseum and watch people get slaughtered!"
Except nowadays it's more: "Let's go down to the theatre and watch people have sex and slaughter each other!"
Sure, they aren't "really killing each other", but they make it as real as possible.
Anyway, sorry, I'm getting off subject. They show people upchucking because they can. And they will continue to get worse until someone stops them. Today, it's puking; tomorrow...I'll leave that to your imagination.

whats wrong u have a weak stomach :P

Its gross. people in movies are always vomiting when emotionally distressed. Whats with that?! I dont know anyone this happens to.

very good question...i can't stand to be around when someone is barfing, i certainly don't think it belongs in movies. i guess they figure its just a thing and its not "obsene" personally i think it is.....

they figure it makes the movie seem more realistic and they assume that people like you, who cant handle it, wont do anything about it

Apparently it's supposed to be funny. I have as much a clue as you do lol.

it doesnt really upset me or gross me out

They show it because the disgust intrigues people. Most people don't look away, do they? Yeah, it's disgusting, but people are fascinated by stuff like that. For example, when there's a car accident, people strain to see the aftermath as they drive by, right? It's gross/sad, but it's intriguing.

Pushing the boundaries, I guess.

They should learn from the best (like Hitchcock) and realize that imagining something is always better than seeing it, unless you really have awesome special effects.

I heard the pea soup they're using is pretty good too!

If I hear somebody puking off camera, I get disgusted by the noise but if I see it, I just think "what are those little pieces they added to the pea soup?".

All people barf.
its a natural thing

simple (and gross) things for and from simple (and gross) minds.