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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Script memorizing???

Question:How do actors memorize their scripts? Like even for high school plays. Is it all just practice or are their any tricks… cuz if I get into my highschool’s play next year and I want I kind of big role my the scripts intimidate me…. What do I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do actors memorize their scripts? Like even for high school plays. Is it all just practice or are their any tricks… cuz if I get into my highschool’s play next year and I want I kind of big role my the scripts intimidate me…. What do I do?

This is called 2x2x2!!! i LOVE this!

OK... what you do is you write down TWICE on a sheet of paper...
Then you say it TWICE aloud
And finally you you read it TWICE in your head... and then you repeat! (how ever many times you need to memorize it... split it into sections to make it easier...)

And another thing... tape yourself and put headphones on and "sleep on it" it helps!

Remember Try to put some emotions into what you're saying, it helps you to get into the "mood"....
and also try to do the blocking that goes with it too, because your mind will recognize the position for when you say things
EXAMPLE: when you cross down left... your mind goes "oh I'm supposed to say this here"

I DON'T recommend saying it in a monotone way the other girl said... because (for me personally) every rehearsal is a performance.... Being monotone takes away from you're performance, making you sound (no offense) crappy. SO if you give a crap job at every rehearsal and at every reading chances are you're gonna give a crap job at the actual performance..... Your mind also recognizes your emotional inflection too, which is another reason why you shouldn't go all monotone!

Best of Luck!

highlight your part so your lines will stand out
and just read it several times a day for a couple of weeks

some people just have the brain for that if you dont then it just takes time and practice!

Get a fellow partner in the same script or even other to help you "run your lines". It's a monotone type of delivery practice that when done rote style, fast and accurately, you can't go wrong because it makes your brain click with each line delivery that you perform and you'll make less mistakes. It's a "bat back n forth" type of delivery. Call a repertoire company in your area and talk to the director and they can help you.

P.S. Whoever gave me a thumbs down is dead wrong! You obviously don't know what you're talking about giving me a thumbs down!!!

This "running of the lines" IS the proper way to rote train for a play! I've seen several Directors encourage their players to do this and it works!

Go over each line indiviudly 10 times(at a time, than go to the next line)

than practice the whole thing over and over and over.

Try tricks to remember, (like words you know would come after :)

jsut read it over and over it kind of helps if its a musical because you remeber your lines with the songs