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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where can I see the Rocky Horror Picture show in Los Angeles?

Question:Someone I knew used to go all the time to the midnight show and what not. Ya know people get all dressed up like the characters. Where is it? Does it still run somewhere?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Someone I knew used to go all the time to the midnight show and what not. Ya know people get all dressed up like the characters. Where is it? Does it still run somewhere?

It plays many weekend midnights at the Nuart theatre in west LA

There are several casts in the Los Angeles area. The one I think you should visit is Sins O The Flesh at the Nuart Theatre on Santa Monica Blvd. We hav shown Rocky Horror every Saturday night at midnight for the past 20 years (I recommend getting there by 11:30 in order to get a good seat).
There are some exciting theme nights coming up --
3/22/8 (THIS WEEKEND) Bunny Trixie Night (I'll be playing Janet)
3/29/8 (next weekend) Switch Night (Guys will play girl characters and girls will be playing guy characters -- I'm gonna be Rocky)

Hope you can come out.

FYI -- audience members rarely dress as the characters anymore. Just dress in something slutty and you'll fit in just fine.