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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which actors never had acting classes?

Question:Does anyone know any famous actors that havent had any acting classes? If so, can you list them.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know any famous actors that havent had any acting classes? If so, can you list them.


Jodie Foster

Chris Rankin, who played Percy Weasley in every Potter movie but the fourth.

Are you trying to convince yourself that you don't need acting classes? This is a bad way to go.

All of the greats have taken classes: Brando, Streep, DeNiro, Ed Norton, Pacino, Olivier....the list goes on and one. It's not wise not to take classes. You would be surprised at how much you learn

this is really a question I just noticed yall seem to know what your talkin about. So I thought I would ask, I live clost to Toronto Canada, and I was wondering, what are some good classes for stage or film, for someone just getting started, but who has a career at the time?