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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why is enthusiasm for acting important?

Question:Be specific :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Be specific :)

I equate enthusiasm with energy. And even if you're playing a part like Jud in Oklahoma or Eeyore in anything Pooh-ish, you have to do "gloomy" with a certain amount of energy. I saw a friend get a bad review once because the critic thought he had forgotten his lines when, in actuality, he was "playing the pause." Even choosing not to do something on stage has to be a conscious choice with energy behind it.

And if you view enthusiasm as excitement for your career, well, there are lots of out of work actors who would dearly love to have your part. If you can't be enthusiastic about acting, let someone else in who IS enthusiastic.

Because to act a part you have to get into it literally and be that person. To do that you must be enthusiastic and look at it as something cool and fun to do.That is all I can think of sorry.But I have acted before and you really have to make believe you are that person otherwise it just won't work.

Who wants a boring actor or actress? you couldn't portray emotions very well would you? and isn't that what acting is all about...

You have to be enthusiastic because if you aren't and you don't really care about it then the character you are protraying will not come out. As an actor you have to enjoy it tp be good at it. It isn't like cooking or anything like that, you actually have to be a different person, but you have to WANT to to be good at it...if you get what i mean.

If, you are passoinate in what you do it is more fun.

ITA w/all of the above. Suppose this happened: There are 25 people on a stage talking with each other at the usual conversational volume. You discover a fire backstage in the dressing room that's rapidly moving toward the stage. How would you handle getting the 25 people to understand the danger? Would you casually walk up to the group and whisper the news? Would you just wander around tapping each one on the shoulder and tell them about it? Would you FEEL like it wasn't all that important that they KNEW about it?

More than likely you would push your way very fast, and very forcefully into the center of the group and yell at the top of your lungs, "FIRE!". You would be passionate about it. YOU would BELIEVE what you are saying. And THEY would BELIEVE YOU.

That's an example of the force, the energy level a performer should strive for. To be that involved, that immersed in the MOMENT.