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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anyone like the play godspell idk wat it is??

Question:yeah i m in the play godspell but idk wat it is. does any1 kno

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yeah i m in the play godspell but idk wat it is. does any1 kno

It's a musical based on the gospel of St. Matthew, about Christ, his disciples and his crucifixion.

Many of the tunes are based on literal citations from the gospel:
You are the light of the world...So let your light shine before men.

It is a musical of the story of Jesus. It and Jesus Christ Superstar came out about the same time, turning the story of Jesus into hippy love fests. Good music, juicy parts. If well done, you'll suck your audience right in.

It's an entertaining musical, look it up on wikipedia.
But um.. may I ask how you got cast when you do not even know what it is about?