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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do u have to go to a pre acting school for like 3 years???

Question:my friend says u do but cant i just get an agent and a job as an actor or they wont hire me till i go to the acting school

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my friend says u do but cant i just get an agent and a job as an actor or they wont hire me till i go to the acting school

Reality check:

You cannot get an agent without having demonstrated an ability to get people to pay you to act. You do not start with an agent. You end up with an agent. An agent gets a percentage of what you earn as an actor.

Acting schools cannot guarantee that you will be hired as an actor. Nobody can. If someone asks you for a fee to land a role, run. Fast.

NEVER PAY UPFRONT! I simply cannot say this too many times.

What agent in his (or her) right mind would use the connections and goodwill built painstakingly up, over years, on an untried nobody? Show business is a business, after all.

Anything along the lines of a "Pre-Acting" or "Acting Preparation" or other such folderol is a scam, plain and simple.

Actors act. Beginning actors learn the basics. Seasoned actors get paid. Agents, or at least legitimate agents, only make money AFTER you do.

"Pre-acting"? Tell your father to guard his wallet.

If you want to be an actor get used to people telling you what you can't do.

An agent is simply someone that can get you work...anyone can really get one. I was told to get one after one audition with one casting agency. i don't think it really means a whole lot.

The most important thing is to do it wherever you can. Do theater (it's a ton of fun) and take some acting classes. (they don't take that long and you can really let loose). Audition at every casting agency you can and do whatever comes your way.

If it's meant to be it will happen.


You should not have to pay an agent. This question is asked about ten times a day here and there are about five times as many answers. Just do a search and you'll get so many answers it's not even funny.