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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am 13 should I start swearing??

Question:I am 13 and I want to be a broadway star but a lot of show's swear, like,
"That F***" -Maureen
"You bet ur a**"- Mark
"I think I missed don't be Pissed"- Maureen
Avenue Q
"so why don't I have a boyfriend, f*** it sucks to be me"- Kate

So I was wondering if I should start swearing becasue I have never sworn before ( I know totally square!) but I won't do it in front of my mom and dad, PLEASE HELP!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 13 and I want to be a broadway star but a lot of show's swear, like,
"That F***" -Maureen
"You bet ur a**"- Mark
"I think I missed don't be Pissed"- Maureen
Avenue Q
"so why don't I have a boyfriend, f*** it sucks to be me"- Kate

So I was wondering if I should start swearing becasue I have never sworn before ( I know totally square!) but I won't do it in front of my mom and dad, PLEASE HELP!


I do understand where you are coming from, but do what you think is right. I would do many things for acting and there are many things I wouldn't do, don't loose your morals. If you feel swearing is not a big deal than okay. If you think it is a big deal don't do it. Also there are many roles for younger people that do not have as much, or any swearing, also you will probably feel different about choice language when you are older. Be yourself and *break a leg*!

well you should not.. but do what your heart tell u

Don't do it if it isn't really you or you'll come off as a poser. Besides it's a habit hard to break once you get used to it.

If you have to do it for a show like RENT I'm sure your parents will understand....otherwise...why pick up a bad habit. (just practice your violent scenes when no one is around)

nope, it is vulgar, crude and makes people think you are unintelligent. only swear if the script calls for it.

being a little older than you(i'm 23), this question just sounds ridiculous. swearing is not "cool" and no one will think you are cool if you do this! quite the opposite! i think it's discusting to hear people swearing all the time. and if you want attract respectable people into your life, you won't swear. you wont attract anyone of the opposite sex, that's for sure! have some respect for yourself!

well i don't think you need to swear unless you're gonna be like in a play....for example i don't swear on the daily basis but when i have to learn a couple of lines && they include cuss words i defenitly do so...

I personally don't swear unless I am extremely angry, do not swear every other word and of course don't swear in front of your parents unless you want to get grounded. If you are portraying a role on stage and your character is swearing then go with the script. You aren't really the one saying these words it is your character. When you are performing on stage you aren't yourself you are someone else. Of course if you ever feel uncomfortable then don't do it.

this is the dumbest f#*^$# question ive ever read!!!!!

don't swear it's really not cool.

No u should not, although S**t happens

dont start swearing in real life if your not comfortable... when the time comes to swear in a show, its one of your lines so if your still uncomfortable just act like its a shakespeare word or something like that