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Question:I want to become an actress/singer!? I am twelve years old?
Ok so I LOVE to act not in plays or any thing like that I also LOVE to sing!! I want to try out for a movie but how?? I live in New Hampshire and my mom is single and doesn't make alot of money. I really want to go far with this but how? PLease help!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to become an actress/singer!? I am twelve years old?
Ok so I LOVE to act not in plays or any thing like that I also LOVE to sing!! I want to try out for a movie but how?? I live in New Hampshire and my mom is single and doesn't make alot of money. I really want to go far with this but how? PLease help!!!

Well, being a 13 year old actress, myself, here is some advice that might help you:
-continue acting in plays (this is great experience)
-make a resume (includes name, contact info, stats, skills, awards, training, and experience)
-get a photo of yourself (or have someone take one) that shows what you look like with no background clutter (this will do for a headshot, and you may have to bring this to auditions)
-check for auditions in your area on sites like and (but make sure they are legit)
-if you really want work, find a talent agency near you
(remember to never pay money, but they will help you find work and take a percentage of what you make)
Good Luck! Hope I helped!
Note: For auditions, you may have to find a good monologue or 16 bars of a song, in which you should go to the bookstore or library, read, and take notes on acting tips that you find in books like Act Now.

lol give up? sounds like good advice, well here is some practical advice there are always auditions and such going on in major cities for minor roles etc. Or you could even look into some acting classes. You could even take drama classes at school if that is offered in the states, you can even take a look in the phone book for a talent agency etc that will help you but be fore warned that those agencies may actually want some money. But seriously give it some time. Practice Practice Practice and practice some more espically in singing and your acting practice doing expressions in front of the mirror etc

Since you are a beginner, I would say fro you to just try out for local plays and musicals so that you can build up your resume and get experience. Then you will soon enough be able to drive and get a job and by that time you will have a lot of experience and you can go out for movies and stuff like that. Hope it all works out for ya.

Start at the bottom and work your way up...
Amateur groups are always a good start. When they take pictures for the local paper, try to be in as many of them as you can... If somebody offers you experience, even if it isn't quite the area of theatre that you want to do, go for it!

Volunteer at your local theatre backstage and you will learn value experience and hear stories which could help you... Not to mention make contacts which you will use for many years.

Also, look out for a company called SingLive... They are based in the UK but have recently branched out to the US andf are based in Florida, again looking to branch out and they are linked with Disney and the Royal Albert Hall, London to name but a few.

Let me know if you want to talk about anything - I work in theatre and have toured the UK.

I say start small then go big but you are dreaming big which is great. Keep working hard every day and I think you will win your dream.

Keep dreaming and some dreams do come true. Always make sure your mother does the decisions while your still a child and she knows what is best for you. There a gazillions of children that want what you want too.

You love to act but not in plays? You mean you love fame?
Give up, if all you want is fame then your wasting your time and your energy. If you really loved to act then you would love to do plays. Especially musicals, for you "love" to sing, too.

Furthermore, I don't think any director will take you seriously if you don't have any acting background in theater.