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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where can i find which ancient greek playwright wrote the most plays?


this site is all about greek playwrights. It says how many plays they wrote too! Why don't you have a research through this info and see if you can work it out!

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this site is all about greek playwrights. It says how many plays they wrote too! Why don't you have a research through this info and see if you can work it out!

Well its a difficult thing to claim that a particlular writer wrote "these" many plays. Most of the famous writers - Aeschylus, Sophocles etc. wrote several plays out of which only few are surviving.

Also these plays were mainly performed as 3tragedies and a comedy in the Dionisia... There were several other playwrights.

I am not sure if any such factual information is there, as to who wrote the most no. of plays.

Well, I suppose it depends on whether you want to determine which one of them wrote the most plays, or which one wrote the most plays that are still extant.

Aristophanes, Sophocles, etc., wrote many, many plays that are lost, but that we know of because of outside reference. I don't know which of the ancients is thought to be the most prolific, regardless of the material's survival. However, I *think* we have many more surviving plays by Euripides than any other.

Most of the literature of the Greeks was wiped out in various acts of war and desecration, so nobody knows who wrote most. There may well be ancient Greek "Shakespeares" we know nothing about. We only have a few scraps preserved down to our own present day.