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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can u summarize romeo and juliet?

Question:im not trying to cheat i just dont want to say the wrong thing
its just the words are hard to understand
okay ill summarize

romeo breaks up with rosaline
juliet goes to tybalts party
romeo comes to ruin it
tybalt sees romeo
romeo sees juliet vice versa
they touch hands
they kiss twice
they fall in love
juliet is on the balcony confessing her love
romeo hears and answers her
they decide to get married
juliet talks to the nurse
romeo and juliet see the friar to help
friar talks to nurse
romeo kills tybalt and mercurtio
romeo is banished
juliet is sad becuz parents are mad for defying them

that all we read up to so far
is there anything i left out?
i kno i put a few of them out of order but i wanted to make sure

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im not trying to cheat i just dont want to say the wrong thing
its just the words are hard to understand
okay ill summarize

romeo breaks up with rosaline
juliet goes to tybalts party
romeo comes to ruin it
tybalt sees romeo
romeo sees juliet vice versa
they touch hands
they kiss twice
they fall in love
juliet is on the balcony confessing her love
romeo hears and answers her
they decide to get married
juliet talks to the nurse
romeo and juliet see the friar to help
friar talks to nurse
romeo kills tybalt and mercurtio
romeo is banished
juliet is sad becuz parents are mad for defying them

that all we read up to so far
is there anything i left out?
i kno i put a few of them out of order but i wanted to make sure

Go to and you'll find lots of info on this play. Its like the 'cliffnotes' books, but online.
I know teachers don't usually like you looking at 'cheat' notes, but they are a valuble tool if you use them right. With some literature, especially shakeshpere, it really helps to know the general outline of whats going on before you have to try and dive in and decipher all that language. Just make sure you read the book after you get the general info down. After you know the base of the play, it will be easier to decode the language used, and see beyond the basic words to get the inferences (meanings beyond what was said). Start having deeper thoughts and your teachers will be impressed!

Good luck!

ps. warning about user name "ddcapslock": I just caught him using my answer on another question, so I wouldn't be too sure if the answer he gave you was his own original thought. see link:;...

yep, all the basic events are there. not meaning or analysis, but events. good summary. :)
best answer please?

Rosaline breaks up with Romeo, not the other way around
It is Capulet's party, not Tybalt's
Romeo doesn't come to the party to ruin it
Romeo and Juliet don't see the friar for "help", they see him to get married.
Romeo only kills Tybalt. Tybalt killed Mercutio

You left out "Lord and Lady Capulet decide that Juliet will marry Paris in two days," and that should bring you up to "Juliet is sad".