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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which play is funnier: Avenue Q? or Spamalot?

This will help me decide which play to see for my birthday. Thanks.

I am turing 15 btw.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: =]
This will help me decide which play to see for my birthday. Thanks.

I am turing 15 btw.

As a big fan of both, ,my suggesstion is Spamalot for your 15th b day. Avenue Q has a lot of jokes that are a bit too adult for you and even if you don't think so, you're parents might be uncomfortable with it.

Happy birthday have fun.

i enjoyed spamalot
and b.t.w happy birthday

i agree with justin. although avenue q is hilarious, it's a bit old for you. spamalot would be good it guess for you. but i mean it all depends on if you can handle the maturity levels. happy birthday!!

I havent seen either but from what i know about the 2, avenue q is funnier. But it depends on your maturity level. if you dont think you can handle it, see spamalot. everyone i know that has seen it loves it.

I haven't seen Avenue Q, but I saw Spamalot with my friends for her 14th birthday, and it was hilarious! I'd recommend seeing it, it's really funny xD