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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is the play Gypsy good?

Question:I'm going to it in Spokane, WA this Sunday. Is it any good?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going to it in Spokane, WA this Sunday. Is it any good?

Gypsy is considered one of the best musicals ever written. The book (script) is especially singled out as outstanding, although the music is pretty awesome too. Ditto above though. Not for kids. It's not dirty or anything, just not subject matter for children. It's quite funny, but also pretty serious at times.

It's fabulous. But don't bring your children.

YES, I am going to be in that play in my theatre community soon, I am so excited! And I agree with the person in front of me, don't bring the kids.

You do know what it's about, right?

"Gypsy is based on the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee, a famous burlesque stripper. The musical focuses on her overbearing mother, Rose, the quintessential stage mother, as she pushes Gypsy (then known as Louise) and her sister June into life on the vaudeville circuit, forever trying to break into the big time"

So yeah, lol, not the BEST material for children....most children probably wouldn't find it very interesting anyway. That being said, it's an amazing show. Sondheim is the best lyricist EVER!!! =]]

Have fun.

I also agree that it's good, but really for adults.

It's the story about how Gypsy Rose Lee's overbearing stage mother drove her to become a stripper.

It's not terribly risque, but it's not exactly appropriate for children. As to what age, it depends on your child.

***Edit --
I would say a 15 year old would not have a problem with the content. Again, it's not that risque, by today's standards. But it would not be for younger kids.

At 15 I'm sure you won't have a problem with it.

I did this show several years ago and it is wonderful- even though the production I was in wasn't.

As for kids- the first act is highly appropriate for kids and even features them (Louise, June and the farmboys).

Act two, gets a bit more mature with troupe playing the burlesque club with less than wholesome and downright sleazy characters sharing a dressing room. Not to mention that Louise (Gypsy) becoming a stripper though there is no nudity (the real Gypsy was never actually fully naked on stage, she just performed a peek-a-boo act which by to days standards would seem very silly and a stripper today would not have the class to do.