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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is there any easy way to beat stage fright?

Question:I was in my high school talent show last year performing my comed and I got nervous. I tell my jokes to a small group often but when I saw that huge crowd then I got nervous. Any easy way to beat stage fright?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was in my high school talent show last year performing my comed and I got nervous. I tell my jokes to a small group often but when I saw that huge crowd then I got nervous. Any easy way to beat stage fright?

I think the easiest way to actually get over having a large audience in front of you is to embrace their presence. If you accept that they're there, and base the routine around them it should seem much more comfortable. After all, you're not doing anything different in front of a bigger audience than a smaller one.

You just have to face your fear and do it. There is no other way.


you just have to face your fears and DO IT!! it may seem scary but practice can make perfect in front of big crowds.

You never know who you may encounter on Y/A's. I know ALOT about this subject. That 'Butterfly' ill feeling never goes away. I've been there. And performing on TV, in Southern California, when I use to reside there. I was in Sports Entertainment. A wrestling ring, and live cameras. Retired now, and a mere mortal on Y'A's. There is no easy way. So many things can go wrong, or hopefully according to plan. The ones that 'had' the most confidence, were the most nervous. They're there to be entertained, and you do your best. If you're put 'Over', all the better. That's a good thing. It means you're accepted.

yes in fact there is

This works for me
1. just say in your head ill keep my confidence say it over and over again and also smile while ur waiting......

For one thing, know your material inside out so it comes out "naturally". Then look over the tops of the heads of the audience in front and look at someone way in the back of the room. Try to get into your "own world". That's why actors can act! Many of them are very shy and scared in Real Life, but when they are on stage, they become someone else! Now, when you go on stage, become someone else, and play the part.
Good Luck!

um, well im actually a really shy person but i LOVE to act and when i went to and audition i sucked casue of stage fright. but once i joined drama it really helped me out cause you get to work with different people and you forget about the fear b/c as a group you work together. and if you really have a passion for it then youll forget about it and have a good time. :) good luck!