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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can somebody please help me, how to perform a shakespear monologue for a top dra

Question:i want to apply at a drama school but scared on how to perform a monologues anyone help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to apply at a drama school but scared on how to perform a monologues anyone help me?

For Gods sake, don't use a fake accent! Use your normal voice, and speak the part as naturally as you can. I don't know which monologue you're planning to use, but as a warmup, try "What a piece of work is man..." from Hamlet. Its a great little piece that, to me, shows how Shakespeare wrote for all voices and all times, even if that wasn't his intention. Just my opinion. Good luck!

You will need to get an acting coach or teacher to work with you.
You'll have to take the monologue and understand everything being said. You'll have to dissect the speech and have a strong reason for saying the words you do.
Young people that audition for top drama schools are often well trained, so your competition is fierce.
Rehearse and rehearse again until you feel like you have a strong piece. Be able to take direction and make certain at the audition you can be understood.
Break a leg.

1st. tryto memorize the monolodge to the best of your abblity.
2nd. project your voice as much as you can
3rd. put as much expresstion in voice as you can
4th. act the monolodge out

hope it helps